
We believe that every child is unique and has their own individual needs, interests, and abilities. That's why we tailor our approach to suit the needs of each child, taking into account their personality, learning style, and developmental stage. Our curriculum is designed to encourage exploration, creativity, and critical thinking, while also promoting social, emotional, and physical development.

We understand that leaving your child in someone else's care can be overwhelming, which is why we place great emphasis on building strong relationships with parents and guardians. We encourage open communication and welcome feedback at any time. We also provide regular updates on your child's progress, so you can stay informed and involved in their learning journey.

At our nursery, we understand that the wellbeing of your child is of paramount importance. We believe that a child who feels happy, safe, and secure is better equipped to learn, grow, and develop to their full potential. That's why we place great emphasis on creating a nurturing environment that supports the physical, emotional, and social wellbeing of each child.

At our nursery, we understand that the wellbeing of your child is of paramount importance. We believe that a child who feels happy, safe, and secure is better equipped to learn, grow, and develop to their full potential. That's why we place great emphasis on creating a nurturing environment that supports the physical, emotional, and social wellbeing of each child.

We provide a wide range of activities and experiences that are designed to promote physical health and wellbeing. These include outdoor play, physical exercise, and healthy eating. We also have policies in place to ensure that your child is safe at all times, including child protection policies and procedures.

At our nursery, we believe that children learn best when they feel valued and respected. We promote a positive and inclusive environment where every child is accepted for who they are. We also work closely with parents and guardians to ensure that your child's individual needs and requirements are met.

FUNDING: NEG 3-4 Years Old and extended HMRC hours for working Parents
OPENING HOURS: 8:30am- 5:00pm

At our nursery, we use ClassDojo to provide regular updates on your child's progress, share photos and videos of their learning experiences, and celebrate their achievements. We also use ClassDojo to send messages to parents and guardians, providing important information about upcoming events and activities.

You can access your child's ClassDojo account at any time to see their progress and engage with their learning. You will receive regular updates on your child's progress, including their strengths and areas for development, and suggestions for how you can support their learning at home.

ClassDojo is a fantastic tool for promoting communication and collaboration between teachers and parents, and for keeping parents informed and involved in their child's learning journey. We are committed to using ClassDojo to support your child's learning and development, and to keep you informed and involved every step of the way.

Book your visit

Whether you're a parent seeking the perfect place for your child's early development or an interested individual eager to see our nurturing approach in action, booking a visit is the first step towards discovering the enriching experiences we offer.

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